Rethinking existing education business models in light of tech and mobile
In the post, I had shared that I would go into greater detail on bucket #3 in a future post, as to which of the various business models and processes could be rethought, and …
Every once in a while, in parties, at coffee klatsches with friends, and in business meetings, I hear this line. It is typically said by those whose kids are in middle grade, all in premier schools, usually of the IB ilk. It is usually to the tune of “I got into IIT / IIM but my son / daughter is unlikely to”. Sometimes, it is followed up with a question, …
I like to collect examples of college alternatives. I know this is unusual, given that most people like to collect coins, or matchbox labels, but I do think college alternatives are fascinating things.
College alternatives are educational programmes, typically a year or even two years long, which provide real-life learning through a mix of vocational classes and hands-on learning via internships, leading to a career pathway, almost always in tech. …
EdTech funding is hitting record levels, never seen before. A recent report by Ambient Research put edtech funding for H1’15 at $2.5b (in contrast to $2.4b funding for the whole of 2014).
In India we haven’t seen the kind of frenzy around edtech funding we have seen in China. 8 Chinese companies saw funding of $50m+ in the first half of 2015. These 8 companies raised more money than all …
An open letter to John Fallon, Chief Executive of Pearson Plc
Dear John
For the nth time, congratulations on the sale of FT to Nikkei for £825m ($1,288m).
Everybody says £844m, but you and I know that with FT Group’s £19m in the bank, the funds you have got from Japan are a tad lower at £825m. Still that is a bucketload of money. And with The Economist Group’s 50% …
As you would all know by now, Pearson sold the FT Group yesterday to Nikkei for US$1.3b. The FT Group includes FT, some magazines such as Banker, Investor’s Chronicle, a 50% stake in Russian Biz Paper Vedomosti, an-EIU type co called Medley Global Advisors etc.
The valuation, at ~35X the adjusted operating income of $37m (on rev of $559m for 2014) is amongst …
My recent post for INMA’s Tech Trends blog looks at attempts to build an annotation layer to the web, led by the likes of Genius, Declara, Hypothesis etc. Annotation services can be enormously useful to readers, in providing context and meaning around an article or even a phrase in the article. But there is also a risk that annotation services could strip out all that intelligence, gathered from multiple websites, …
In my third post for INMA’s Tech Trends blog, I revisit my past skepticism around the hard paywall. My past assumptions around the superiority of the metered model, rested on its ability to extract subs rev from loyalists, while protecting page views and visits, thereby enabling monetization through ads. But in a world where news consumption is rapidly moving to mobile, typically much harder to monetize for news publishers, and …
I am presently in the Bay Area on a longish work assignment. Lots of interesting conversations, and many opportunities to gather insights abound. I do hope to share some of learnings and observations from my meetings in my next few posts.
During a recent dinner meeting with a leading Valley / Tech luminary, an interesting comment arose. This was during the end of the evening, while we were sampling some …
My second post, for INMA’s Tech Trends blog, is on BlockChains and how Publishers could take advantage of it. In the post, I state that increasingly, the internet, or the WorldWideWeb as we know it,, will become one of many internets with competing webs such as Mobile, Deep Web, BlockChain etc. We are thus moving from the era of a Consumption Web to many Transaction Webs. The transaction web isn’t …