What I found interesting in the world of higher education last week, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times of India Group. All views are personal.
Last week, a specially-constituted task force released its final report on the future of MIT Education. Only the 4th such report in its 153-year history, the report comes at a crucial juncture, when “higher education is at an inflection point”.
The taskforce does not suggest any radical overhaul. The tone of the report is to suggest and encourage ‘bold’ experimentation within …
What I found interesting in the world of higher education last week, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times of India Group. All views are personal.
What I found interesting in the world of higher education last week, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times of India Group. All views are personal.
The Power of Positioning
What can Indian colleges and universities learn from Babson College, the #1 ranked college in Money magazine’s US College rankings list? For one, the power of positioning. Babson staked it on Entrepreneurship, remained focused, and it …
Last week, Money, a US-based personal finance magazine, published its take on college rankings, traditionally the stronghold of US News & World Report. Money’s rankings were notable in that they listed Babson College and Webb Institute, 2 relatively lesser-known institutes ahead of the Ivies, setting off predictably fierce debates about the merits and demerits of the rankings.
Enough has been written about Money’s methodology, and its rights …
What I found interesting in the world of higher education last week, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times Group. All views are personal.
What I found interesting in the world of higher education last week, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times of India Group, where I am presently kickstarting our university venture. All views are personal.
The decline of ‘convent-educated’
Until the late ‘90s / early ‘00s, missionary-run or convent schools were typically the most coveted schools for admissions. Mumbai had its Cathedral, Delhi its St Columba’s…
What I found interesting in the world of higher ed last month, with some added thoughts and views. I work for the Times of India Group, where I am presently kickstarting our university venture. All views are personal.
The Economist devotes its cover story (the Asian edition has Abe on the cover though) to chronicling the shifting landscape of higher ed. See edit as well as their lead story…